Daniel La Rosa : the Venezuelan rising art of street-art !
Originally from Venezuela, Daniel La Rosa started his career like his peers : in the arteries of Caracas. Armed with a spray gun, he painted his colorful universe on the grey walls of the South-American capital. A Chanel inspired Stormtrooper, a joyfully rich Mickey Mouse, a Mohamed Ali surrounded by dollars… By drawing from the respective worlds of luxury, artistic vandalism and pop-culture, the Hispanic artist made his bones and founded his own design business. Then, without stopping being a street-artist, Daniel gradually started painting on canvas.
He explained : “I developed my taste for creativity and art a long time ago. Since 2008, I did mural paintings and tags ont the streets of Caracas. For a time, I stayed focused on this type of art.”
An art amateur from the very beginning
Thanks to his grandmother, Daniel fell in love with painting. “I’ve always been attracted by art, since my childhood. It helped me when I wanted to start painting. My grandmother was very good at it… I guess I got that from her.”
Today, Daniel has crossed the Atlantic Ocean to settle in Madrid where he dreams of exposing in the greatest contemporary art galleries. Meanwhile, he continues to adorn the capital’s, Lisbonne’s and even the US’ streets with his creations so that his art is accessible to everyone. “A lot of people use graffitis to vandalize or to scratch buildings. I hope my art inspires people to do it ethically.“
From France, to Austria and New-Orleans, some of his canvas have found success internationally. Right now, Daniel is about to make a brief trip to Wynwood, a Miami district, which is one of the leading American artistic incubators. The goal ? Like Madrid, to make his nest in the heart of Florida’s art galleries.
Daniel La Rosa : a unique style
Ultra-colorful and sparkling, the works of Daniel La Rosa integrate many pop-culture characters and symbols in highly luxurious stagings… Among others, we can mainly find in his works premium haute-couture firms. Whenever it’s Mickey and Minnie going on a shopping trip at Chanel or Darth Vader wearing Luis Vuitton, Daniel La Rosa’s artistic signature is as upscale as it is bubbly.
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