Skyryse One : a new era in flight control

Launched in 2016, Skyryse specialises in the development of automated control systems for helicopters. While automation has become commonplace for traditional aircraft, it is still little used in helicopters. Skyryse aims to change this trend by making helicopter piloting easier and safer for everyone. The Skyryse One, built on the basis of a Robinson R66 helicopter equipped with a Rolls Royce engine, marks a turning point in this vision. This new helicopter features an innovative cockpit design and advanced functionalities that promise to redefine the flying experience. The first deliveries of this revolutionary model are scheduled for 2025.

A new way to fly

The Skyryse One is the first helicopter equipped with the SkyOS system, designed by Skyryse to simplify piloting. Unlike traditional helicopters that require several complex manual controls, such as the cyclic stick, pedals and throttle, the Skyryse One is flown with a single stick. This simplification reduces the pilot’s workload and makes the aircraft easier to handle.

In the Skyryse One, many functions, such as engine start, take-off and even hovering, are controlled via a touch screen located in the centre of the cockpit. This system allows the pilot to easily manage these operations with a few simple gestures. Using fly-by-wire technology, which converts the pilot’s commands into electronic signals, SkyOS ensures that the helicopter remains stable and responsive, even in difficult flying conditions.

In the event of engine failure, the Skyryse One has the ability to immediately detect the problem and automatically switch to autorotation, allowing the helicopter to glide and land smoothly, while leaving control to the pilot.

An intelligent system for maximum safety

SkyOS, the system equipping the Skyryse One, constantly monitors the state of the helicopter, the actions of the pilot and the flight conditions. By analysing this data in real time, SkyOS ensures that the helicopter remains in safe flying conditions. In the event of a malfunction or emergency, this system can take over critical manoeuvres, such as autorotation and landing, to protect the pilot and passengers.

This advanced control system is the result of the integration of specialised artificial intelligence and a state-of-the-art electronic control system. Inspired by the technologies used in fighter jets, SkyOS makes piloting as intuitive as possible, allowing pilots to concentrate on what’s most important: flying safely.

With Skyryse One, aviation is moving towards a simpler, safer flying experience that is accessible to a greater number of people. Thanks to these innovations, Skyryse is paving the way for a new era in which flying becomes second nature.

If you’d like to treat yourself to this little gem, pre-orders are now available !

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